Watch the best videos from our channel and others, here on BarcaBuzz TV. We organized this playlist in order to connect everybody with Barca and the Barca spirit. Here you can find Live stream of press conferences, Barca B matches and more. In addition, we will share the best content we could find for you on Youtube.

The main purpose of our project- The site, the Social media and the BarcaBuzz TV is to spread the Barca spirit all over the world. Barca are the best club in the world, and people follow them globally. However, there are not many good sites in english, that contain all the terrific content made by great people. That’s why we are here.
We do not claim any of the outside content on the site as our own. We are happy to share the best content in English and we would like to keep doing it. Our goal is to make a home for the international Barca supporters.
Do you have good content to share? Please contact us and we will be happy to share it with the world. We always give full credit to the people who make the content, and we will keep doing it.